
NOTE: The MySpace IM network has been shut down.


This document is a reverse-engineered protocol specification for MySpaceIM. The first version of this document was created for build 673, but as of 2007-06-02 it refers to build 697 or newer.

This page is a known to be incomplete. It was originally started started by User:jeff, residing at . An older HTML version of this document is available.

Some text in italics refers to msimprpl, the MySpaceIM protocol plugin for libpurple.

Contributions to this document are welcome!



Connect to, which will point you to one of several MSIM servers (currently

69 - 74 connection attempts are allowed (usually 69) until the server will block you out for a period of time.

All connections are made using TCP. The default port is 1863, but the client will try to connect using ports 6660,6661,6662,6665,6668,6669,0080 and 0443 in succession if 1863 fails. If successful, the port will be stored (the Win32 client uses HKCU\Software\MySpace\IM\LastConnectedPort in the registry) and tried first for future connections.

User Identifications

Users are identified by several means:

  • User ID (uid) - unique number; used extensively by protocol. User's web page at
  • Email address - used to sign in, and locate buddies.
  • Username/IM Name - "Your unique name that can't be changed", shown on buddy lists, and for user's web page at
  • Display Name - shown on your web page, can be changed and non-unique.
  • First Name and Last Name - "private and used for search only".

Message Structure


Tokens are separated by backslashes, which alternate as name, value, name, value, etc. For example, this message:


contains the following information:

Key Value
k1 v1
k2 v2
xxx yyy

The end of a message is marked with \final. Note that this marker is not a key/value pair.

Special characters are escaped with '/':

Character Escaped As
/ /1
\ /2

msim_escape, msim_unescape

The following data types can be defined:

Type Description
Integers These are just stored as ASCII, decimal
Binary Base64 encoded
Boolean Presence of the key indicates 'true', absense 'false'
Dictionary Multiple key=value's, separated by \x1c

What I call here dictionaries (also known as associative arrays, hashes) are often present in a field named body. Keys inside a dictionary use CamelCase and boolean values are represented as a string, True or False, instead of the absence of presence of a key.

Escape codes in dictionaries:

Character Escaped As
' or ` '
# #
" "

Escape codes in '|' delimited lists:

Character Escaped As
/ /1
\ /2

Login Sequence

msim_login, msim_process, msim_login_challenge

Upon connection, server immediately sends a "login challenge" message to the client:

Key Type Description
lc integer 1
nc binary 0x40-byte nonce
id integer 1

Client sends login challenge response:

Key Type Description
login2 integer 196610
username text Email address to login using
response binary Challenge response, derived using algorithm described below
clientver integer 673, corresponds to 1.0.673.0 in "About" dialog (679, etc.)
reconn integer 0
status integer 100
id integer 1

Server replies with:

Key Type Description
lc integer 2
sesskey integer Session key
proof Same as userid? Sometimes differs.
userid Numeric userid
profileid Same as userid?
uniquenick Username
id integer 1

The session key is sent by the client in almost every future message.


Code Message Type
259 The supplied email address is invalid. Fatal
260 The password provided is incorrect. Fatal

Code 260 is no longer used if trying to login with an invalid email address, circa client build 404. Instead, invalid email and invalid passwords both return code 260. See MySpaceIM Info Disclosure: Silently Fixed

Challenge/Response Login Algorithm


response is computed from:

  • First 0x20 bytes of nc field -- nc1
  • Last 0x20 bytes of nc field -- nc2
  • User's password, in UTF-16 little endian (only the first 10 characters, in lower case)
  • User's ASCII email address

Compute SHA1(SHA1(password) + nc2). This will result in 0x14 bytes. Using the first 0x10 bytes (128 bits) as an RC4 key, encrypt the following concenated together:

  • nc1
  • User's ASCII email address
  • Four zero bytes: 00 00 00 00
  • 1 byte = number of network interfaces on this machine
  • IPv4 address of interface used to connect to server in network order. Example: \x7f \x00 \x00 \x01 (for
  • IPv4 addresses of host's network interfaces in network order. Example: \x0a \x00 \x00 \x40 (for, \xc0 \xa8 \x58 \x01 (for, and so on.

The network interface addresses are obtained using the Win32 GetIpAddrTable API call. They should be the actual interface IPs on the system, even if they are RFC1918 private addresses. The server most likely uses these addresses to determine if a connection can be directly initiated to the host, or if it must pass through some kind of NAT device.

High-level summary:

response = RC4encrypt(key=hash(hash(pw) + nc2), data=nc1+username+IP_list)

Buddy Messages


Messages from client or server:

Key Type Description
bm integer Message type.
sesskey integer Session key.
t integer Userid to send message to (outgoing messages only).
f integer Userid message came from (incoming messages only).
date integer For offline messages, timestamp of when message was sent, Unix time
cv integer Client version build number.
msg text Text of message.

Known message types for bm:

Value Notes msg
1 Instant message See markup below.
100 Status message List, see below.
121 Action Message Zap or typing notification.
122 Media Message Key/value pairs joined by ampersands, see below.
124 Profile Message Contains age, song, gender, display name, headline, etc.
126 Status Mood Message Contains Status mood information

Servers appear to pass all buddy messages between clients, even if the type ('bm' field) is unrecognized. The Miranda IM plugin uses bm code 200 to "send miranda + plugin version information as is done with many other protocols".

Instant Messages

msim_incoming_im, msim_send_im

Message text is formatted using "tags", similar to HTML, and (aside from the escaped forward slashes) is valid XML. Tags and attribute names are single letters to save space. Attributes are either quoted with ' or backquote. For unknown reasons, the client uses ' but the server translates it to the backquote.

Tags end as in HTML: <tag>...</tag> (appears in protocol dumps as < /1tag>, because / is encoded as /1).


<f f='Times' h='16'><c v='black'><b v='white'>hello</1b></1c></1f></1p>

Known tags:

  • <p> = paragraph
  • <a> = anchor (link)
    • h = href
    • This tag is self-closed, for example: <a h='' /> displays It doesn't seem to be possible to change the text of the link.
  • <f> = font tag
    • f = font face (Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Tahoma, Times, Verdana, or another)
    • h = font height, in pixels. For displays set to 96 DPI:
      • 4pt = 5 (sizes must be between 4 and 72 points)
      • 5pt = 7
      • 6pt = 8
      • 7pt = 9
      • 8pt = 11
      • 9pt = 12
      • 10pt = 13
      • 11pt = 15
      • 12pt = 16
      • 13pt = 17
      • 14pt = 19
      • 15pt = 20
      • 16pt = 21
      • 17pt = 23
      • 18pt = 24
      • 72pt = 96
      • Note: 1 pt = 1/72 inch, and 1 inch = 96 pixels (at 96 dpi), so height = round((96/72.)*point_size).
      • Note 2: At 120 DPI, 72pt is sent as h=120, and so on. Points are always 1/72 ", so the real formula is height = round((DPI/72.)*point_size). For more information on font sizes, see this Planet SoC blog post: Week 7 Updates: Notifications and Font Sizes
    • s = bit field of text decoration; add/OR together:
      • 1 = bold
      • 2 = italic
      • 4 = underline
  • <c> = text color tag
    • v = color (a name like "black", "white", or "rgb(253,0,0)", "rgba(253,0,0,100)" (alpha), or "transparent")
  • <b> = background color tag
    • v = color
  • <i> = image (emoticon/smiley)
    • n - name: bigsmile growl mad scared tongue devil happy messed sidefrown upset frazzled heart nerd sinister wink geek laugh oops smirk worried googles mohawk pirate straight kiss

Known character entities:

Character Entity
" "
& &
' '
< <
> >

Incoming Status Message



  • |s|0|ss|Offline
  • |s|1|ss|:-)|ls||ip|0|p|0
Index Type Description
0 text s
1 integer 0 for offline (or hidden), 1 for online, 2 for idle, 5 for away
2 text ss
3 text Headline
4 text ls
5 text
6 integer 0
7 text p
8 integer 0

Action Message

msim_incoming_action, msim_send_typing

Zaps are, in order (0-9): zap whack torch smooch hug bslap goose hi-five punk'd raspberry. Zaps are sent with this msg:

  • !!!ZAP_SEND!!!=RTE_BTN_ZAPS_n, where n is a 0-based index into zap array.

For typing notifications:

  • %typing%
  • %stoptyping%

Group Messages

Trac ticket:

Group messages seen coming from (or, a chatroom added to the buddy list by default:

  • GroupCount=25;
  • Offline= (someone's user ID)
  • MsimMarkup-formatted messages
  • ContactType=2

These messages also had:

Field Type Description
f integer Chatroom ID, for example 78744676
cv integer Client version, build 1000
gid integer Group ID? 23
aid integer User ID of person talking in that chatroom, if applicable

When a user talks in a chatroom, f is set to the user ID of a user representing the chatroom, and aid is set to the user ID of the user talking. Not sure how gid fits into this. You appear to get chatroom messages if the chatroom user is on your buddy list, even if you haven't joined the chatroom. (Note: need to figure out terminology here, I've been using chatroom but MySpaceIM uses the term 'group').

Media Messages

not implemented

bm of 121 is used to send media.

Seems to be sent when someone first messages you. Example transcript:

(05:31:51 PM) someone: cmdtype=1&reqid=856000425340460813&contenttype=1&
(05:32:01 PM) someone: Hello
(05:32:04 PM) me: hi there
(05:32:07 PM) someone: cmdtype=1&reqid=856000425340466400&contenttype=1&
(conversation continues)

Sending background picture:


Picture (less than 600K) invitation request:


If picture is not accepted, or offer canceled:



Code Description
1 ??? Sent initially
3 Send background image
4 Picture invitation request
5 Accept/deny picture invitation request

Profile Message

This message contains information on the buddy from their profile. Sometimes it is empty, sometimes it contains the following dictionary-encoded keys:

Name Type Description
Age integer Age in years
AvatarURL string URL of avatar
BandName string
SongName string
ContactType integer 2
DisplayName string
Gender string M or F
Headline string
ImageURL string URL of JPEG image on MySpace Content Distribution Network
IMName string Instant messaging name, blank if user doesn't have MySpaceIM
UserName string
RoomLastLogin integer
Location string city, state, country
ShowAvatar boolean True or False


\bm\124\f\78744676\msg\Age=27AvatarUrl=BandName=cold war kidsContactType=2DisplayName=MySpaceIMGender=FHeadline=ImageURL=http:/1/ Chat RoomLastLogin=128287884600000000Location=SANTA MONICA, California, USShowAvatar=FalseSongName=Hang Me Up To DryTotalFriends=119814UserName=myspaceim\final\

Set Status Messages

To change your own status:

Key Type Description
status integer Status code.
sesskey integer Session key.
statstring string User-settable status message (for online or away).
locstring string Location string? Sometimes "userinfo;"

Status codes:

Code Description
0 Hidden/offline
1 Online
2 Idle
5 Away

Unknown codes (tested 3, 4, and 6) are recognized as offline by the official client.

Same code as in incoming status messages.


From server:

Key Type Description
ka boolean Presence indicates this is a keepalive message.

Sent every 3 minutes to keep connection alive.

Add Buddy


Key Type Description
addbuddy boolean Presence indicates to add buddy.
sesskey integer Session key.
newprofileid integer Userid to add.
reason text Empty

The client also sends a persist message to update the buddy list. Example sequence (after looked up userid), adding uid 6221:

  • \addbuddy\sesskey\420159774\newprofileid\6221\reason\final\ - add buddy
  • \blocklist\sesskey\420159774\idlist\b-|6221|a+|6221\final - update blocklist
  • \persist\1\sesskey\420159774\cmd\514\dsn\0\uid\180301984\lid\9\rid\31\body\ContactID=6221.GroupName=IM Friends.Position=1000.Visibility=1.NameSelect=0\final\ - update contact info


Code Message Type
1539 The profile requested is already a buddy. Non-fatal

Delete Buddy


Key Type Description
delbuddy boolean Presence indicates to delete buddy.
sesskey integer Session key.
delprofileid integer Userid of buddy to delete.

The client also sends a persist message and updates the block list when deleting a buddy. Example message sequence:

  • \delbuddy\sesskey\97309878\delprofileid\175349942\final\ - delete buddy with numeric ID 175349942
  • \persist\1\sesskey\97309878\cmd\515\dsn\0\uid\3656574\lid\8\rid\18\body\ContactID=175349942\final\ - delete from on-server buddy list?
  • \blocklist\sesskey\97309878\idlist\a-|175349942|b-|175349942\final\ - update block list; remove user (-) from accept (a) and block (b) list?

Block List

msim_add_buddy updates the blocklist, not implemented: User-settable blocklists.

Key Type Description
blocklist boolean Presence indicates to change block list.
sesskey integer Session key.
idlist list Encoded list of buddies to block/unblock, see below.

idlist is constructed from one of the following format strings:

  • a-|%lu|b-|%lu
  • a-|%lu|b+|%lu - block userid %lu
  • b-|%lu|a+|%lu - unblock userid %lu

where %lu is the userid. Current guess is that a is for accept list, b is for block list, - removes and + adds, but this has not been proven. Example idlist, when "Who can contact me: Anyone" and "Who can see when I'm online: Anyone" is set:

  • w0|c0|a-||b-||b+|blockeduser1...

Removes all users from accept list and block list, then adds blockeduser1 (userid).

If "Who can contact me: Only people on my Contact List" and "Who can see when I'm online: Anyone", then idlist is:

  • w0|c1|a-||a+|buddy1|buddy2|...|buddyN|b-|

where buddyN is the userid of each buddy on the contact list. |a-|| removes all users from the accept list, |a+|...| adds only buddies to accept list, |b-| removes all buddies from blocklist.


  • w# = Who can see when I'm online? 0=Anyone, 1=Only people on my contact list
  • c# = Who can contact me? 0=Anyone, 1=Only people on my contact list
  • a- = remove from accept list
  • a+ = add to accept list
  • b- = remove from block list
  • b+ = add to block list
  • * = all userids

Get Info

Key Type Description
getinfo boolean Presence indicates that this is a get info request.
sesskey integer Session key.
uid integer Userid to look up.



Specifics of this message's purpose are unknown.

See also the 1,0,2 persist message (they're often sent together).

Set Info

Key Type Description
setinfo boolean Presence indicates that this is a get info request.
sesskey integer Session key.
info dictionary Packed dictionary of information to set.

'info' dictionary has same fields as setinfo. Examples:

\setinfo\\sesskey\70517308\info\Age=20AvatarUrl=BandName=ContactType=1DisplayName=MySpaceIM Protocol Plugin for PidginGender=MImageURL=http:/1/, USShowAvatar=FalseSongName=TotalFriends=4UserName=msimprpl\final\
\setinfo\\sesskey\70517308\info\Age=20AvatarUrl=BandName=ContactType=1DisplayName=MySpaceIM Protocol Plugin for PidginGender=MImageURL=http:/1/, USShowAvatar=FalseSongName=TotalFriends=4UserName=msimprpl\final\

Web Challenge Request (webchlg)

Key Type Description
webchlg boolean Presence indicates a web challenge request.
sesskey integer Session key.
n integer 0, unknown.

See also 1,17,26 persistance request.

Persist Messages

msim_process_reply, msim_new_reply_callback

Persist messages allow the client to send or request information to or from the server. Thanks to Nathan Peterson for reversing the structure of these commands.

Client sends a persistance request:

Key Type Description
persist integer 1
sesskey integer Session key.
uid integer Your userid.
cmd integer Command type.
dsn integer Command family.
lid integer Command subcode.
rid integer Request/response ID. Client sends request with unique rid
body dictionary Dictionary of information.

cmd, dsn and lid uniquely identify each command.

Known cmd/dsn/lid combinations:

cmd dsn lid Description
1 0 1 List all contacts
1 0 2 Get contact information by ID
1 1 4 Lookup IM information about yourself
1 1 7 Lookup IM information by userid
1 2 6 List all groups
1 4 3 Lookup MySpace information by userid
1 4 5 Lookup MySpace information about yourself
1 5 7 Lookup MySpace information by username/email
1 7 18 Get mail status
1 9 14 Your username has been changed (UserName, Code=0 for ok). Also need to call \setinfo.
1 17 26 Web challenge
1 21 18 Get user song
1 101 20 Server information
2 2 16 ??? Group flags
2 9 14 Check username availability
2 14 21 Add all my friends from
2 15 22 Add my top friends from
3 2 16 ??? Delete something?
514 1 10 Change user preferences
514 0 9 Update contact information
514 16 25 Invite to MySpaceIM
515 0 8 Delete buddy, ContactID in buddy (see also delbuddy)

cmd appears to be a bitfield:

Bit Description
0-7 (0-255) Command bits, 1=get, 2=action, 3=delete
8 (weight 256) Set indicates reply, clear indicates request.
9 (weight 512) Set indicates to an action, clear indicates to get information.
10 (weight 1024) Set indicates an error, clear is normal.

So for example, a reply to 1,5,7 (lookup MySpace information by username/email) would have cmd,dsn,lid of 257,5,7, and a reply to 1,9,14 would be 258,9,14. These aren't listed separately in the list above because they're the same command.

Server responds with a persistance reply (persistr):

Key Type Description
persistr boolean Presence indicates persistr message.
uid integer Your userid.
cmd integer Command. This appears to the client request cmd bitwise ANDed or added with 256.
dsn integer Subcommand - matches dsn of request.
lid integer Subcommand - matches lid of request.
rid integer Request/response ID - matches rid of request. Server sends responses back with same rid as in the client's request, allowing client to match responses to requests.
body dictionary Response information.

1,0,1: List all contacts


An empty body. Example:


Reply has a key for each of the contacts. Keys:

Key Type Description Example
ContactID integer Userid of contact 6221
Headline text Headline :-)
Position integer Offset on buddy list 0
GroupName text Group that buddy is located in IM Friends
Visibility integer 1
AvatarUrl text URL of avatar
ShowAvatar boolean Show avatar? True or False
LastLogin integer Login timestamp 128177889600000000
IMName text Instant messaging name, blank if user doesn't have MySpaceIM
NickName text
NameSelect integer 0
OfflineMsg text Offline message
SkyStatus integer ? 0


ContactID=6221.Headline=:-).Position=1.GroupName=IM Friends.Visibility=1.AvatarUrl=.ShowAvatar=False.LastLogin=128182824000000000.IMName=.NickName=.NameSelect=0.OfflineMsg=.SkyStatus=0

(repeats for additional contacts)

1,0,2: Get contact information

Get information on a contact.


Key Values Description
ContactID integer Userid of contact.

Example, uid 180301984 looking up uid 6221:


See also getinfo command.


Key Values Description
ContactID integer Userid of contact (actually present twice, identically).
Headline text
Position integer position in buddy list.
!GroupName text "Recent Contacts"
Visibility integer 2
!AvatarUrl text
!ShowAvatar True/False
IMName text
!NickName text
!NameSelect integer 0

1,1,4: Lookup IM Information about Yourself

Sent with an empty body.

Similar response as to 1,1,17, except also includes OfflineMessage field.

1,1,7: Lookup IM Information by UserID


Used for looking up MySpaceIM information on a user, as opposed to purely MySpace information.

Request body:

Key Values Description
UserID integer The userid to lookup.

Reply body:

Key Values Description
UserID integer 0
Sound True/False
!PrivacyMode integer "Who can contact me?" 0=Anyone, 1=Only people on my Contact List.
!ShowOnlyToList True/False "Who can see when I'm online?" False=Anyone, True=Only people on my Contact List.
!OfflineMessageMode integer "When I'm offline, receive and store messages from:" 0=Everyone, 1=Only people on my Contact List, 2=No one.
Headline text
Avatarurl text
Alert integer
!ShowAvatar True/False
IMName text
!ClientVersion integer Client build number.
!AllowBrowse True/False
IMLang ??? Language.
LangID integer Language ID.

1,2,6: List all groups

Request: TODO


Key Type Description Example
GroupID integer Numeric ID of group 21672248
GroupName text Textual name IM Friends
Position integer Offset in buddy list 1
GroupFlag integer Unknown 131073

1,4,3: Lookup MySpace User Info by UID

msim_lookup_user, when called with a string of numbers

Lookup user information by userid. This command is called MySpaceUserInfo by error messages.


Key Values Description
UserID integer The userid to lookup.




Key Values Description
UserName text Unique username. Present only if in request.
Email text Email address. Present only if in request. Fields below only present if user exists.
UserID integer Numeric user ID.
ImageURL text URL to image
DisplayName text Display name, need not be unique.
BandName text
SongName text
Age integer Age in years.
Gender M/F Gender.
Location text City, State, Country
!TotalFriends integer Total number of friends on MySpace.

(Same as 1,5,7 reply but also has TotalFriends).

Error messages are sent with cmd=1025 (error bit set), and following body:

Key Type Description
UserID integer Userid of message request which had the error.
ErrorMessage text Textual description of error

Observed error messages:

  • Request time elapsed configured has passed for MessageType: Read, DataType: MySpaceUserInfo
  • Persistence Queue Overflow

1,4,5: Lookup MySpace User Info About Yourself

Seems to be the same as 1,4,3 but looks up your information. You still need to pass UserID=xxx in the request body.

1,5,7: Lookup MySpace User Info by String

msim_lookup_user, when called with a username

Lookup user information by username or email. Known as MySpaceUserInfoByString in error messages.

In the body dictionary of the request, one of these keys is present:

Key Values Description
UserName text The username to lookup.
Email text The email address to lookup.

Reply body:

Key Values Description
UserName text Unique username. Present only if in request.
Email text Email address. Present only if in request. Fields below only present if user exists.
UserID integer Numeric user ID.
ImageURL text URL to image, mangled an unknown way.
DisplayName text Display name, need not be unique.
BandName text
SongName text
Age integer Age in years.
Gender M/F Gender.
Location text City, State, Country

Error reply, here cmd=1025 (error bit set):

Key Type Description
UserName integer Username of message request which had the error.
ErrorMessage text Textual description of error. Once observed: Request time elapsed configured has passed for MessageType: Read, DataType: MySpaceUserInfoByString

1,7,18: Check Mail Status

msim_check_mail, msim_check_mail_cb

Checks for new mail, comments, or friend requests. You have to periodically poll to see if you have any.

Request: empty




Key Type Description Example
Mail boolean Whether you have new mail On
BlogComment boolean Whether you have new blog comments On
ProfileComment boolean Whether you have new profile comments On
FriendRequest boolean Whether you have new friend requests On
PictureComment boolean Whether you have new picture comments On



1,17,26: Web Challenge

not implemented

Webchallenge is used to authenticate with the website, so that links to the website (such as for mail notification) do not require logging in again through the web interface. From Scott Ellis: "I have the popup windows for my notifications opening the same web pages as the official client, but without the 'token' it will usually redirect to the myspace login page and say 'you must be logged in to do that'. Getting the web authentication sorted would be a huge bonus."


Key Values Description
Challenge integer Challenge (present 3 times).
ChallengeData binary Base64 encoded 30 bytes (present 3 times).

Unknown purpose. Causes client to send an HTTP request to GET /Modules/IM/Pages/UrlRedirector.aspx, with URL-encoded parameters:

Key Values Description
challenge X-Y-Z, 3 integers X is as of yet unknown, Y is the uid, Z is the sesskey
response binary ??? base64-encoded data. Probably the result of an algorithm using the X-Y-Z above
target text Several options: searchfriends, profile, comment, message, probably more...
targetid integer The userid of the target profile for the target action

UrlRedirector.aspx replies with a simple HTML page that states "Object moved" followed by a hyperlink and a cookie in the HTTP header. The cookie is obviously our MySpace login validation. The client then proceeds to send an HTTP request to the page the hyperlink points to.

These messages are currently ignored by msimprpl, and are not required for basic functionality. Used for web authentication?

See also 'webchlg'.

1,21,28: Get User Song

not implemented

If the music note icon on the buddy list in the official client is clicked, this message will be sent.


Key Type Description
UserID integer Userid to get song information on.


Key Type Description
UserID integer
ProfileSong text URL to page with an embedded Flash media player

1,101,20: Server Information

not implemented

This message is sent without the client asking for it, so the response bit in cmd is always set (cmd = 257). Sent upon connecting to the server, before logging in. It contains various timers and limits:

Key Type Description
AdUnitRefreshInterval integer 10
AlertPollInterval integer 180
ChatRoomUserIDs list separated by ; Userids for chatrooms
CurClientVersion integer 595, even though 673 is newer
EnableIMBrowse True/False False
MaxAddAllFriends integer 100
MaxContacts integer 1000
MinClientVersion integer 529
MySpaceNowTimer integer 720 (seconds)
PersistanceDataTimeout integer 900 (seconds)
UseWebChallenge integer 1
WebTicketGoHome True/False False

ChatRoomUserIDs is, as of 2007-04-15, a list of the following userids:

UserID Username Display Name
78744676 myspaceim hi
142663391 myspaceimchat jorge
142910130 myspaceimchat2 jorge
123521495 testbot5 test
138528147 myspacejorge4 myspacejorge4
140271072 TEST4MATTCHUNG2 tester
163733130 myspacecdn jorge

None of these userids autoreply when IM'd.

2,9,14: Set username

Key Type Description
UserName text Name to use

Example request:


Example reply:


This sets the username. \setinfo with with a UserName in the body is also sent afterwards.

2,14,21: Add all my friends from

Sent when go to "Add all my friends" from File -> IM Set Up Wizard. Imports your friends from the website to IM.


Key Type Description
GroupName text "IM Friends", group to add contacts to?


\persist\1\sesskey\581636623\cmd\2\dsn\14\uid\3656574\lid\21\rid\39\body\GroupName=IM Friends\final\


Key Type Description
Completed boolean "True" if contacts were added



Client then sends a 1,0,1 persistance request ("List all contacts") to get the updated list. After getting all the buddies, it removes them from the blocklist (b-) and adds to the accept list (a+, see blocklist command). After that, it sends a 514,0,9 ("Set contact information") on each contact, in body passing ContactID, GroupName, Position, Visibility, NickName, and NameSelect.

2,15,22: Add my top friends from

Sent when go to "Add my top friends" from File -> IM Set Up Wizard. Imports your friends from the website to IM.


Key Type Description
GroupName text "IM Friends", group to add contacts to?


\persist\1\sesskey\24577352\cmd\2\dsn\15\lid\22\rid\96\body\GroupName=IM Friends\final\


Key Type Description
Completed boolean "True" if contacts were added


\persistr\\cmd\258\dsn\15\uid\96902854\lid\22\rid\96\body\GroupName=IM Friends\034Completed=True\final\

514,0,9: Set contact information

Sets the location and group of a buddy.


Key Type Description
ContactID integer Userid of contact.
GroupName text "Recent Contacts"
Position integer 0, 1000
Visibility integer 1, 2
NickName text
NameSelect integer 0


\persist\1\sesskey\70517308\cmd\514\dsn\0\uid\180301984\lid\9\rid\18\body\ContactID=6221\034GroupName=Recent Contacts\034Visibility=1NameSelect=0\final\

514,1,10: Change User Preferences

not implemented

body dictionary, of settings to change:

Key Values Description
Sound True/False ???
PrivacyMode integer "Who can contact me?" 0=Anyone, 1=Only people on my Contact List.
ShowOnlyToList True/False "Who can see when I'm online?" False=Anyone, True=Only people on my Contact List.
OfflineMessageMode integer "When I'm offline, receive and store messages from:" 0=Everyone, 1=Only people on my Contact List, 2=No one.
Headline text Your profile headline.
Alert integer 1
ShowAvatar True/False
IMName text Your instant messenger name. Official client lets you change IM name capitalization and spacing.

514,16,25: Invite to MySpaceIM

not implemented


Key Type Description
Recipient integer Userid to invite.
Subject text "Invite to IM"
Body text Entered message text.

This might be a generic command to send MySpace messages (not verified).

Client also sends this instant message:

Key Type Description
bm integer 1
sesskey integer Session key.
t integer Userid to send message to.
cv integer Client version build number.
msg text "Invited to MySpaceIM on hh::mm PM on mm/dd/yy"

Error Messages


An error notice is sent from the server in certain situations.

Key Type Description
error boolean Presence indicates this is an error message.
errmsg string ASCII English description of error.
err integer Error code.
fatal boolean Presence indicates error is fatal to the connection.

Known errors:

Code Message Type
1 There was an error parsing an incoming request. Fatal
2 This request cannot be processed because you are not logged in. Fatal
3 This request cannot be processed because of an invalid session key. Fatal
6 This profile has been disconnected by another login. Fatal
259 The supplied email address is invalid. Fatal
260 The password provided is incorrect. Fatal
267 The network cannot accept authentications from the indicated version of the client. Fatal
270 Error getting contact list from DB (seen in #7584) Fatal
4352 Invalid user ID in persistence request. Fatal
4608 PM Restart Unknown

Code 259 is no longer used if trying to login with an invalid email address, circa client build 404. Instead, invalid email and invalid passwords both return code 260. See MySpaceIM Info Disclosure: Silently Fixed


To logout:

Key Type Description
logout boolean Presence indicates this is a logout message.
sesskey integer Session key.

UDP Polling Protocol?

MySpaceIM appears to also use a UDP protocol, perhaps as a means of exchanging status. During the messenger startup, it will transmit a number of UDP messages from a single port, to a variety of addresses, presumably known servers. The destination port varies, though this might be an artifact introduced through NAT port mappings.

The initial packet sent to the remote servers has a reasonably constant format, though the content and length both vary. The first two bytes appear to be a sequence number and a flag bit, with the flag bit last. The third byte is always 0x02, at least in the initial dialog. Afterwards, the packet content varies more.

A sample packet capture can be found at capture file.

Client/Executable Analysis

MySpaceIM Setup

MySpaceIM_Setup.exe, which you can download at, is not the actual client. Instead, it fetches , parses the key=value pairs on each line, and downloads $(SETUPURL)$(SETUPFILE) using HTTP. German, French, Italian, and Spanish clients can also be downloaded. The version described in this document is build '673.

The MySpaceIM client also occasionally checks to see if an upgrade is available.

Libraries/Code Used by MySpaceIM.exe build 673

Interesting strings found in executable:

String' Comments
@(#)$Id: TRIONAN.C,v 1.4 2005/12/08 22:03:59 rkrueger Exp $ libxml2
inflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Mark Adler Inflate/deflate decompression/compression, RFC1950 from zlib
inflate 1.1.3 Copyright 1995-1998 Mark Adler zlib, png
deflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly zlib
unzip 0.15 Copyright 1998 Gilles Vollant zip archive files
Skinux Object Runtime Error Skinux Engine for skinning
Copyright (C) 1998, Thomas G. Lane JPEG library
Copyright (c) 1992-2004 by P.J. Plauger, licensed by Dinkumware, Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Standard C++ library in VC++ [1], for finding other gamers (not used yet?)
\m\%d\xfer\%d %u %u Unknown message. Near \gamename. Mysterious host, blocks pings, owned by Level3

myim: URLs

MySpaceIM registers the myim: URL scheme to invoke C:\Program Files\MySpace\IM\MySpaceIM.exe %1. The URL includes a command followed by URL-encoded parameters, for example: myim:addContact?uID=1&cID=2.



Adds user to contact list. Used on

Name Value
uID Your userid, or 0 for default
cID Contact userid
auto true if "Add all the people on this page to my IM List!" clicked, empty cID



Used in JavaScript posted at

Name Value
uID Your userid, or 0 for default
cID Contact userid


The majority of this specification was produced from original research by User:Jeff

Thanks also to Nathan Peterson for independently reverse-engineering parts of the protocol. Parts of this document were drawn from it.

Thanks also to Scott Ellis, developer of the MySpaceIM protocol plugin for Miranda IM, for contributing to this document.